This Lent, the men and women of St. Demetrios will be praying through the Psalter (all 150 Psalms!) as we journey through Great Lent to Pascha. Everyone is welcome to join us in this, just sign up below and we'll add you to the email list. We will read a set number of Psalms each day. If we notice something in particular, or would like to share a reaction or observation, we can bring those to share at the regular meetings. But the only requirement is to join us as we prayerfully read through the Psalms.

Fr Timothy will be leading the men's group, and Bambi Howard will be leading the women's group. You can contact Fr Timothy with questions at and Bambi at

You can begin by adding the readings calendar to your phone, computer, or app of choice, or simply viewing it at You can also download the reading schedule along with a PDF Psalter using the links below, and there is also a link to the Holy Dormition Monastery Press Psalter (which many of us use). Any Psalter or Bible with the Psalms in it will work just fine, though.

The Men's Group meets on Fridays (alternating weeks on Zoom), and the Women's Group meets on Tuesday evenings in Midland. All are welcome, don't worry about having to "make up" past days if you join later - start where we are and journey with us to Pascha!